

Summerhill Festival of Childhood

Learning & School, Parenting is Political, Personal|

I took a road trip with my daughters. We drove over to Suffolk, England via the overnight ferry to the Summerhill Festival of Childhood and to see grandparents, who just happen to live a [...]

Four Core Principles for Connecting with Your Child

Everyday Parenting|

There is no one way to be a peaceful and respectful parent. The solutions we find for everyday situations and challenges will be as individual as our kids and family situations. There is no [...]

5 Simple Habits to Help Centre Yourself in Difficult Times


Here are five simple habits that help me regulate in uncertain times. They're easy to do, you don't need extra time and can just do them as you go about your day. 1. Check [...]

Self-Care and Finding a New Normal in a Global Pandemic

Everyday Parenting, Self-Care|

Home together 24/7. Home office, homeschooling, social distancing, essential work. Family life is unrecognisable from as little as a week ago.  The uncertainty and worry about the global situation, keeping your family safe and [...]

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